Direct Sale

Kangen Water Purifying Machine

Price: £6000000
Views 34967
Price: £6000000 -21.02.2025
Views 34967

Electronics and Appliances


For the love of promoting Healthy Life, free from sicknesses, I wish to introduce the *KANGEN WATER PURIFYING MACHING* to you specially... This machine is produced by...👇 

👉🏻 *The KANGEN Enagic JAPAN 🇯🇵 Family*

*They are the worlds leading Water Purification and Ionizing Systems since 1974*

*Producing the “Gold Standard” of Alkalized, Hydrogen rich, Bio-available Water according to ‘Water Quality Association America (WQAA)’🇺🇸*

*KANGEN Machines are approved in JAPAN 🇯🇵 as ‘Medical Grade Devices’ and have an ‘ISO of 13485’ similar to CT scanners, Brain scanners, Heart scanners, Echo scanners, etc*

Bring Natural Spring Water into Your Home and Family with KANGEN, a Japanese word meaning - *Return to origin or become new again*

🎯 *KANGEN is a technology that converts your regular tap water into Medical Grade, Ionized Alkaline, Hydrogen rich, Anti-oxidant, Bio-available Water.*

🎯 *KANGEN Water detoxifies, alkalizes, removes free radicals, supplies minerals and hydrates the body on a cellular level.*

🎯 KANGEN Water hydrates the brain in 30secs after drinking. The brain 🧠 is the hardest and last place for water to reach and replenish.*

*This proves KANGEN Water is very micro-cluster and bio-available helping your body to hydrate, detox, cleanse and regenerate on a cellular level*

🎯 *You will notice improved sleep and increased mental prowess especially in children.*

Get a machine for your home or office to convert your regular water to what you need to keep everyone drinking to healthy life, free from infections and sicknesses.

Change Your Water💦….Change Your Life💯


Oluwaseun Adelekan Ojo


On website since. 2024

Price: £6000000

Birmingham, Birmingham

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