Min: Max:
Bromsgrove Today-00:09 59848
Harrogate Today-00:09 59550
Bailleston Today-00:09 62904
Aberdeen Today-00:09 59596
Cam Today-00:09 62370
Brislington Today-00:09 61382
Biddulph Today-00:09 63163
Bothwell Today-00:09 61985
Hastings Today-00:08 61652
Nairn Today-00:08 61314
Aberdeen Today-00:08 61714
Aberdeen Today-00:08 59478
Andover Today-00:08 62176
Belper Today-00:08 60708
Aberdeen Today-00:08 61669
Bare Today-00:08 60894
Barking and Dagenham Today-00:08 61185
Arnold Today-00:08 56960
Aberdeen Today-00:07 60697
Barking and Dagenham Today-00:07 62492
Belper Today-00:07 60395
Aberdeen Today-00:07 61410
Broadwater Today-00:07 61608
Basildon Today-00:07 60417
Basildon Today-00:07 57887
Biddulph Today-00:07 61966
Barking and Dagenham Today-00:07 62793
Aberdeen Today-00:07 60976
Arnold Today-00:06 61710
Bath Today-00:06 60462
Aberdeen Today-00:06 59554
Bailleston Today-00:06 60753
Barking and Dagenham Today-00:06 61149
Allington Today-00:06 61708
Barking and Dagenham Today-00:06 62005
Barking and Dagenham Today-00:06 58026
Bradford-on-Avon Today-00:06 61163
Boston Today-00:06 60776
Barking and Dagenham Today-00:05 61670
Leith Today-00:05 60623
Barking and Dagenham Today-00:05 59786
Newbury Today-00:05 61225
Camborne Today-00:05 60709
Cam Today-00:05 61511
Bath Today-00:05 59667
Aberdeen Today-00:05 61315
Barking and Dagenham Today-00:05 59036
Aberdeen Today-00:05 60956
Arnold Today-00:04 59892
Basildon Today-00:04 59822
Baguley Today-00:04 60904
Hereford Today-00:04 61378
Aberdeen Today-00:04 60778
Dunstable Today-00:04 60378
Bath Today-00:04 61755
Biddulph Today-00:04 61722
Aberdeen Today-00:04 58743
Linlithgow Today-00:04 58509
Fern Down Today-00:03 58639
Harrogate Today-00:03 60263
Bromsgrove Today-00:09
Harrogate Today-00:09
Bailleston Today-00:09
Aberdeen Today-00:09
Cam Today-00:09
Brislington Today-00:09
Biddulph Today-00:09
Bothwell Today-00:09
Hastings Today-00:08
Nairn Today-00:08
Aberdeen Today-00:08
Andover Today-00:08
Belper Today-00:08
Bare Today-00:08
Barking and Dagenham Today-00:08
Arnold Today-00:08
Aberdeen Today-00:07
Barking and Dagenham Today-00:07
Belper Today-00:07
Broadwater Today-00:07
Basildon Today-00:07
Biddulph Today-00:07
Arnold Today-00:06
Bath Today-00:06
Aberdeen Today-00:06
Bailleston Today-00:06
Barking and Dagenham Today-00:06
Allington Today-00:06
Bradford-on-Avon Today-00:06
Boston Today-00:06
Barking and Dagenham Today-00:05
Leith Today-00:05
Newbury Today-00:05
Camborne Today-00:05
Cam Today-00:05
Bath Today-00:05
Aberdeen Today-00:05
Arnold Today-00:04
Basildon Today-00:04
Baguley Today-00:04
Hereford Today-00:04
Aberdeen Today-00:04
Dunstable Today-00:04
Bath Today-00:04
Biddulph Today-00:04
Linlithgow Today-00:04
Fern Down Today-00:03
Harrogate Today-00:03