Min: Max:
Baguley Today-02:37 45655
Aberdeen Today-02:37 44141
Aberdeen Today-02:37 45440
Boston Today-02:37 43543
Aberdeen Today-02:36 45301
Aberdeen Today-02:36 46836
Aylesbury Today-02:36 44040
Allington Today-02:36 44810
Leith Today-02:36 44088
Andover Today-02:36 45502
Aberdeen Today-02:36 43393
Aberdeen Today-02:35 44268
Barking and Dagenham Today-02:35 45003
Andover Today-02:35 44344
Baguley Today-02:35 44804
Camborne Today-02:35 44363
Abbots Langley Today-02:35 44863
Harlescott Today-02:35 46120
Aberdeen Today-02:34 43841
Aberdeen Today-02:34 45759
Bath Today-02:34 44672
Addlestone Today-02:34 44387
Crewe Today-02:34 44168
Prestwick Today-02:33 44505
Aberdeen Today-02:33 43632
Baguley Today-02:33 45890
Aberdeen Today-02:33 45493
Brackley Today-02:33 44996
Addlestone Today-02:33 44163
Broughty Ferry Today-02:33 44529
Appledore Today-02:33 44490
Colwyn Bay Today-02:33 44752
Aberdeen Today-02:32 44195
Aberdeen Today-02:32 45274
Aberdeen Today-02:32 45787
Andover Today-02:32 44803
Aberdeen Today-02:32 45872
Crewe Today-02:32 44134
Barking and Dagenham Today-02:32 45129
Barking and Dagenham Today-02:32 45088
Aylesbury Today-02:32 45290
Bath Today-02:31 44348
Aylesbury Today-02:31 44570
Barking and Dagenham Today-02:31 45084
Bare Today-02:31 45603
Broadwater Today-02:31 46766
Manchester Today-02:31 6287
Andover Today-02:30 44516
Dowlais Today-02:30 46084
Newbury Today-02:30 44495
Bromsgrove Today-02:30 45324
Aberdeen Today-02:30 44678
Andover Today-02:30 45369
Andover Today-02:30 44877
Bare Today-02:30 44275
Bath Today-02:29 44542
Barking and Dagenham Today-02:29 45405
Barking and Dagenham Today-02:29 45453
Prestwick Today-02:29 43958
Belfast Today-02:29 44718
Baguley Today-02:37
Aberdeen Today-02:37
Boston Today-02:37
Aberdeen Today-02:36
Aylesbury Today-02:36
Allington Today-02:36
Leith Today-02:36
Andover Today-02:36
Aberdeen Today-02:35
Barking and Dagenham Today-02:35
Andover Today-02:35
Baguley Today-02:35
Camborne Today-02:35
Abbots Langley Today-02:35
Harlescott Today-02:35
Aberdeen Today-02:34
Bath Today-02:34
Addlestone Today-02:34
Crewe Today-02:34
Prestwick Today-02:33
Aberdeen Today-02:33
Baguley Today-02:33
Brackley Today-02:33
Addlestone Today-02:33
Broughty Ferry Today-02:33
Appledore Today-02:33
Colwyn Bay Today-02:33
Aberdeen Today-02:32
Andover Today-02:32
Crewe Today-02:32
Barking and Dagenham Today-02:32
Aylesbury Today-02:32
Bath Today-02:31
Aylesbury Today-02:31
Barking and Dagenham Today-02:31
Bare Today-02:31
Broadwater Today-02:31
Manchester Today-02:31
Andover Today-02:30
Dowlais Today-02:30
Newbury Today-02:30
Bromsgrove Today-02:30
Aberdeen Today-02:30
Bare Today-02:30
Bath Today-02:29
Barking and Dagenham Today-02:29
Prestwick Today-02:29
Belfast Today-02:29