Buy and Rent Realestate
- Parking Bays To Rent -, Site address: Weymouth Court (r/o Upper Tulse Hill), Streatham Hill, London SW2 2SH, , £5.00 per week no VAT, £75 refundable deposit, £54.90 one-off set-up fee, 6 month minimum rental period, 3 months’ notice in writing to vacate on the quarter days i.e. 25th March, 24th June, 29th September and 25th December, Payment made quarterly in advance (25th Mar, 24th June, 29th Sept, 25th Dec), , We do recommend that you visit the site to ensure that you are happy with the site access and location., Please get in touch with us if you are interested. Bays are available on a first come, first served basis., , 24/7 access, ID & Proof of Address will be required to process any application.
On website since. 2024
Price: £5London, Barking and Dagenham